Lightmoor Village Primary School


The Chair of Governors: Mr Pete Jones

Lightmoor Village Primary School’s Governing body is made up of Governors from a range of different professions. All Governors have completed a skills audit and we ensure that when new Governors are appointed they can bring additional skills and expertise to the Governing Body. In October 2014 we reconstituted the Governing Body in line with the new DfE regulations.

The Governing Body meets at least twice a term. If you are interested in becoming a Governor or finding out more about the role, please contact the school office.​

Please find a copy of our Governor's Annual Statement 2023/24 here


Governors Attendance at Meetings

Lightmoor Village Primary School Governing Body plays a vital role in school improvement and strategy. Full Governing Body meetings are held every half term. There are also various sub-committees which feed into the main body meetings. Governors each have lead areas of responsibility and these are listed on the ‘Attendance of meetings’ document. If you would like any further information, please contact Claire Ballisch, School Business Manager.

Attendance 2022/23


From 1 September 2015, governing bodies will be under a duty to publish on their website their register of interests. The register should set out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register should also set out any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives. ‘None’ should be the recorded entry on the register by governors who have no interests to register. Written declarations will be held on the school file.

Register of Business Interests 2022 - 2023

Governor Information


Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Chair of Governors

Melissa Jones

Melissa Jones

Vice Chair

Helen Oldham

Helen Oldham


Gemma Pennington

Gemma Pennington


Lucy Cowan

Lucy Cowan


Leon Coles

Leon Coles


Joe Payne

Joe Payne

Staff Governor

Sam Carvell

Sam Carvell

Parent Governor

Patrick Ellis

Parent Governor